Category Archives for "Bach Flower Remedies"

Are you always anxious about your family?

Ruth couldn’t stop worrying about her family.  In fact her anxiety had taken over  her life.  She ‘over-worried’ about them constantly.   Do you find yourself worrying about your family  – all the time?  Does your anxiety take over you life? She knew she had to do something about it as it was controlling her […]

Bach Flower Remedy For Hope And Purpose

Over the last couple of weeks I’ve watch a BBC documentary programme called Mind over Marathon. The BBC gathered together a group of 10 people who felt hopeless and were suffering for despair, depression and anxiety, who were so desperate that they were willing to undertake the very public BBC Challenge – to run the […]

What’s in Bach Rescue Remedy?

“Oh, I’ve tried Rescue Remedy – and it didn’t work for me? I don’t often hear this, but when I do, I am firmly told, “Rescue Remedy doesn’t work for  me” and the implication is that they wouldn’t waste their time trying it again. Perhaps you’ve been disappointed in the results of Rescue Remedy. Simple […]

Harness the Power of Positive Emotions–Part 3

Harness the Power of Positive Emotions – Part 3 (Click here if you’ve missed Part 1 of the triology of blogs on the Power of emotions?) When you harness the power of your positive emotions you, literary, can transform your life. For most of us, life is about ‘stress’.  That’s such an ‘unhelpful. Word because […]

The Power of Emotions – Part 2. Dark Clouds and Silver Linings

You may not believe it, but every dark cloud has a silver – and thar silver lining is the Bach Flower Remedies.  The Bach Remedies are a simple, natural and an easy way for you to healing your negative emotions. The Bach Flower Remedies is an easy way to help you roll back the dark […]

Emotions Are The Power – Part 1

Emotions are the power. Part 1 It might seem strange to you when I say that emotions are your power, particularly when all your life your emotions have been dismissed and probably no one cared much about how you felt. Over the centauries our emotions have been disregarded and diminished.  “Oh, take no notice of […]
