Tag Archives for " Depression "

Bach Blog Overcoming SAD

Feeling SAD?  Would you like some help? It’s mid October, so I suppose we can expect changes in the weather.  But somehow its always a shock.  If you’re in the Southern Hemispher, you heading into summer – but I know that more than one of my friends ‘down there’ suffer from the SAD syndrome.  So […]

Depression. A Sudden Darkness.

Even though Mental Health is in the news frequently these days, depression is still often recognised or acknowledged.  And it seems to me that a lot of different emotions are bundled together and labelled Depression. Bach Flower Remedies is a brilliant and highly successful way of treating depression (of any kind), but first you must select […]

Bach Flowers Heal Grief and a Broken Heart

Grief and a broken heart, along with anger, I believe, are two of our deepest feelings.  They both seem to go into the depths of our being and tear at our soul. Both emotions give birth to a whole host of other feelings from despair, being discouraged and disappointment.  Leading to loneliness and lack of […]

The Power of Emotions – Part 2. Dark Clouds and Silver Linings

You may not believe it, but every dark cloud has a silver – and thar silver lining is the Bach Flower Remedies.  The Bach Remedies are a simple, natural and an easy way for you to healing your negative emotions. The Bach Flower Remedies is an easy way to help you roll back the dark […]
