The power of Intention is so strong that it overcomes fear. It can give you the strength to move ‘heaven and earth’ to become who you want to be, do all you want to do and have the life-style you dream of living. Today is the Spring Equinox and the beginning of the astrological calendar. […]
Sometimes when you give a book a second read, or when you hear something you’ve heard before, but told in a different way, it means much more to you. Today, I’m talking about Feelings and Intention. I often tell you the same things in a slightly different way, just in case you can see things […]
I do it. You do it. We all do it – and probably more often than we realise. Sometimes we become complaisant, sloppy thinkers. We forget that we are the creators and are the source of everything in our lives. Now, I know you already know the basic keys, but it is good to be […]