When I first heard I create my own reality I didn’t doubt it for one moment. The spiritual teacher I was following (and still am) introduced this new concept and I trusted the teachings – so I didn’t doubt it. I also didn’t doubt that we create our lives because I’d experienced it – in […]
The other day as I was trying to clear a space on my desk, I gave a heap of paper and some CD I hadn’t returned to their rack, a sharp push and they knocked my Vision Board over. The Vision Board fell to the floor. Crash! Not everything on the board was pinned or […]
Are you waiting for something ‘better’ or ‘more’ to happen in life? Do you feel that when you get your new job, the bigger house or a loving relationship, then you’ll happy? I often am. Sometimes it seems as if I’m more ‘dissatisfied’ than I am ‘satisfied’ – always sure that when I had reached […]
I’ve mentioned to you before that you can’t get where you want to go, from where you are because of the nature of the law of attraction – like attracts like. It is just not possible because the vibration of where you are is different to the vibration of where you want to be and […]