When I went grocery shopping last week, I picked up 2 boxes of tissues. Once home, I found I already had 2 new boxes in cupboard! I now had 4 unopened boxes of tissues and 2 half full boxes about the place! Was the universe trying to tell me something? Two days later, a cold […]
Today, I thought I’d remind you of the old tale of the tortoise and the hare. Yes I know you know it and you know who won the race too. And yes it was the tortoise – so what’s new? Do you realise that as the tortoise got it right…there might just be something we […]
The busy excitement of Christmas is now long forgotten, even though it was only 3 weeks ago. The flurry of New Year has passed. We drank to a brilliant 2016 and made lists of resolutions. But often by the time January brings in its second week, resolutions are forgotten… What happens? As you can imagine, […]