New Blog Law Of Attraction. 4 Tips For Mind Detox

If our ‘little’ moon can move all the water on our beautiful planet back and forth every twelve hours (which it does, courtesy of the law of attraction) then the ‘big’ planets must affect us too. Mercury turns retrograde today and there’s bigger news , there is a solar eclipse too. It seems the power is turned up full blast this week.
Mercury retrograde gets a lot of bad press as it seems to make all sort of communication type things go awry. You drop your phone: your computer crashes: you mistake the day or time of a meeting.
Although many blame poor ol’ Mercury retrograde for almost everything, it does bring so much more than lost phones, computer troubles and difficult communication with loved ones.
It also brings an opportunity for you to review where you are now, so it’s a good time to notice if some of the beliefs you thought you’d laid to rest are beginning to make themselves known again.
It’s a bit like doing a mind detox – recognising where you are: acknowledging that you created it (you do know that you create absolutely everything in your life, don’t you – even the bits you don’t like? ) and now you’re in a position to review what happened to you with clarity and understanding.
Here are 4 Tips to help you:
1. Let go of needing people to agree with you. It’s time to make a choice about being happy or right.
2. Let go of needing people to like you. When you know who you are, you liking you is far more powerful.
3. Let go of needing others to behave the way you think they should. We all see our lives through different belief filters, so no one is ever going to see life the way you do.
4. Take Bach Flower Remedies to help you let go. I’ve given you some suggestions at the end.
Having released some of your old beliefs don’t forget to replace them with new positive and empowering ones. Start on some new affirmations.
Bach Flower Essence tip: to help with your Mind Detox:
Holly if you’re angry with someone
Pine if you feel you ‘can’t get it right’
Larch for self-confidence
Willow is you feel resentful.
If you’d like to learn more about the Bach Flower Essences, click here to find out more
Love your piece on Mercury retrograde. Puts things in a whole new and very manageable light. Thankyoux
Hello Gillian. Thank you for your comment. It’s good to hear from you. It does put Mercury Retrograde in a new light doesn’t it. I’m glad you feel it’ll help you manage the ups and downs of communication over the next couple of weeks.
Take care. Rose