Gratitude. The Instant Game-Changer

Across America, and in all American homes in different parts of the world, tonight the dining tables will be filled with the celebration food.  Today is Thanksgiving Day (or Gratitude Day) and it’s a very important American celebration.

I think it’s amazing to have one day dedicated to being grateful for all you have (even when you have very little, there is still something to be grateful for).  And on the other hand, I find it a little sad (perhaps sad isn’t the right word, the best I can do at the moment) that we have to have a special ‘thank you day’, when really there is something for us to thank you for every day.

You might have heard me say this before, but I’ll said it again.  Gratitude is one of the most powerful feelings we have.  Apart from it changing how we feel (which is so important), it does loads of other things too.

Here are 3 of the important things about gratitude. It’s sometimes called the Law of Increase.  The Universe loves Gratitude!

Gratitude is an instant game-changer

I know you find changing negative thoughts to positive a very difficult things to do.  Especially, when you’re doing fine, you’re positive and happy, and then you get caught up in someone’s negativity, its really difficult to pull yourself out of it and get back on track again.

Family Christmases are well known for creating major negativity where everyone seems set on out-doing each other with the complaining about how bad their life is.  Is it any wonder all that negativity pulls you down too?

In this situation, I recommend you take a deep breath, and metaphorically, remove yourself from the situation and view it as if you’re in the audience, watching a play.

Count your blessings

And now, sit back and count your blessing.

No matter how little you have, there is always something to feel grateful for.
Focus on other people.
No. Not the people who have more than you or annoy you.  That’s not going to generate feelings of gratitude is it?  That’ll generate bitter and resentful thoughts – and you know what the Law of Attraction will do with those, don’t you?

Focus on the people in your life you love, and why you love them.  Focus on how they support you through times of trouble; how your one special friend has always been there for you, listening to your moans and groans, even when she’s been swimming upstream herself.
Thinking about what others give you will bring you feelings of thankfulness and that will shift you out of your feelings of self-pity and into gratitude.

Gratitude is an instant game-changer.  It’s the quickest way of getting out of negative thoughts and into appreciation.

The missing link

Gratitude really is the missing link between living the nightmare or a mediocre life and living the dream.

Gratitude is the missing link between where you are now and the abundance of everything.  (And just saying “I am so grateful for… “ doesn’t help.  You have to feel the gratitude for everything you have and that’s going to bring you more of the things you want.

Believe in your dreams

Imagination is the most powerful tool of creation.  When you dream, imagining how you’d like your life to be, as you think, you conjure up thoughts and intense feelings.  When you do it often enough, you come to feel as if you’re ‘living’ your dream.  Thats when you come to believe it will come true.  We only ever create what we believe to be true.  So believe your dreams will come true, and you’ll bring them to life.

It’s a must have …

Our universe works on the principle of Like attracts Like and it responds to every one of our thoughts and our feelings.  Yes, that’s right – every one of your thoughts and feelings are creating something in your life!

This means you must hold, in your mind and heart, the thoughts and feelings of what you want.  And then give thanks, feel the gratitude before it arrives.

Or to put it another way, you can’t receive it until you feel it.
Gratitude first – manifestation second.

Click here if you’d like some help to guide to you find exactly what you want and then help you create it.  Coaching is a very valuable and personal way to get through the mish-mash of information available these days about the Law of Attraction.  Get in touch, as I’d love to work with you.

Over to you

As always, I love to hear from you.  So please leave a comment in the Comment box below.

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Rose Todd

  • Krishna says:

    You have been wonderful Rose. Thank you for each moment

    • Rose Todd says:

      It’s a pleasure Krishna. I hope that even in these difficult times, you’re holding the reasonance of your dream And that you’re expressing gratitutde for all the lovely time the Universe has given you during lock-down, to practice your photo-taking skills!
      Hold the resonance. Rose

      • krishna says:

        yes absolutely>. I am becoming my dream everyday>. we are working on opening up the corridors with Catalina . Judy Wakhungu and Hinal>

        Photography everyday I a; beach;img a pro.

        thanks to you

        • Rose Todd says:

          Hi Krishna. It’s sometimes hard to hold the dream when all around us to falling down. So well done you.

          • K says:

            I am becoming a Pro Wildlife photographer. Bird photography. My friends lent me their 18-270mm lens . I am practicing everyday

          • Rose Todd says:

            Hello Krishna Well done. Keep up the good work. Rose

        • Rose Todd says:

          Hi Krishna. All good affirmations. Keep it up. Rose

  • krishna says:

    I am becoming a pro wildlife photographer>

    I am playing a big role in opening up those corridors


    your law of attraction works miracles

    thank you thank you thank you Rose

    you are amazing

    • Rose Todd says:

      Hi Krishna. I’m glad all is well in your world and yu;re feeling good. Rose

  • Krishna says:

    Received the enlarger in the post today Rose. I did exactly as you said. Within approximately 24 hours I found one for sale on eBay Germany 🇩🇪 very close to Portugal 🇵🇹. And the price quite reasonable too. Boom ordered it online- received it today. Thank you so very much.

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