A True Story of Transformation
I seem to have been writing about negativity a lot lately. I’m tired of it and I’m sure you are too. So I’m going to focus on the positive today. Let’s talk about positive living.
Positive living is more than just positive thinking. It’s more than ‘thinking positive’ during a crisis or when you’re troubled. It’s a complete way of life. To create the sort of life you dream about, you can’t suddenly start positive thinking when things go wrong and then stop when life gets better. It doesn’t work like that, as I’m sure you’ve discovered.
Positive living
Positive living means that you have to let go of your negative thoughts patterns and replace them with a new, positive belief system.
Now, I know you’ve tried to change your thoughts. And sometimes you start with affirmations and visualisation but somehow life takes over and you slip back into your old negatives habits.
Can I suggest that this happens either because the reason you want what you want is not strong enough to inspire you to move out of your comfort zone, or what you aspire to achieve is not stretching you enough to keep you focused on your dream and goal.
Let me tell you a story of a friend of mine.
Time of crisis
Celia was in grave financial trouble – deep trouble. Her husband walked out on her, their children and their business and left her with huge, huge debts. She didn’t know which way to turn. She was terrified that the bank would foreclose on their loans and repossess her house and that social services would take her children. Fear and anxiety were rampant! She was at breaking point.
Celia’s situation was worse than one paragraph can describe, but you can imagine how desperate she was.
Suddenly she realised that if she didn’t do something about her life she would lose everything – business; house and children.
Without making a conscious decision to do so, one day she found herself in a book shop, staring blindly at the heaving bookshelves, heavy with self-help books. She had no idea where to start. But she bought a book and started to read. To this day she doesn’t remember which book she bought.
Turning point
That was Celia’s turning point. She read everything she could get her hands on: personal development; mind-body connection and spirituality. The more she read, the more she realised that all the books said the same thing: you create your life with your thoughts and feelings. No wonder Celia’s life was getting worse, her mind was consumed with fear and anxiety.
But, here’s the important point that makes the difference between Celia and so many others. Not only did Celia read and learn, but she put what she was reading into practice immediately.
She systematically noticed her thoughts and ‘pulled’ every negative thought out of her mind, and replaced it with an image of being happy with her children in their perfect home.
For months, she kept up her daily routine of affirmations and visualisations without any changes, and then she started to notice small things changing in her life.
A new beginning
One year later, her business was thriving and she and her children moved into their dream house. Positive living is now natural to Celia and her life is now beyond anything she could have imagined all those years ago.
Turning your life around takes discipline, practice and commitment to your dream and goals. It involves releasing your negative thoughts and replacing them with positive ones. It involves you becoming the best person you can be – and then the law of attraction brings you the dream.
It’s so much easier to turn your life around when you have a mentor who has travelled the path before, to support and guide you. If you’d like help turning your life around click the link to find out more.
I look forward to helping you turn your life around.
As always, I love hearing from you, so please leave your comments. Remember my Comments Competition. You could win a free copy of my book This and That. A tea and biscuit philosophy on life and the Law of Attraction.