The Fastest Way To Manifest – 3 Powerful Keys

Do you know what you want but are not sure how to achieve it? Have you been using the Law of Attraction but found things are just not manifesting the way you want them to?
Here are 3 powerful keys to help speed up your manifestations so you can transform the ordinary into something extraordinary.
Here are 3 keys to help you get where you want to go, faster.
#1 Goals.
Our minds loving having something to do. If you don’t give your mind something you want to focus on, then it’ll carry on focusing on what’s missing in your life – because that’s what you’ve taught it to do.
Giving your mind a goal gives it a strong point of focus (and you know how important focus is).
Here’s a little secret: do you know that when you set your goals, you don’t actually have to know how you’re going to achieve them?
The process of setting your intention and focusing on your desired outcome (the goal) sets into motion, a mystical universal power and the next step will be shown to you.
When you listen to the whisper of intuition and follow your gut feeling, you’ll be shown what to do, every step of the way.
Key #1 Define your goal. Set your intention, trust – and follow the signs.
#2. Action.
You need to take action. You cannot lie on the sofa, dreaming dreams of marrying a prince on a white charger and expect said prince to cut his way through the briar hedge in your front garden and knock on your front door.
It doesn’t work like that! You have to get off the sofa and go to where princes go. Join a polo club!
Always take some action and when you stumble or wobble (as you will do) – and although it might be tempting – don’t go back to the sofa. There’s something in the blockage that you need to learn about, perhaps it time for you to learn a new skill? Look at your stumbling block and see what its telling you. But no matter what, always keep moving towards your goal, even if you’re only shuffling!
Key #2. Always keep walking your walk – don’t give in.
#3. Your dream’s already there.
It’s waiting for you.
Everything is created twice – once by your dreams and your thoughts and feelings in the non-physical world of energy and then, by your actions, you bring your dream to life and it becomes physical.
Everything you’ve ever thought and felt is available to you right now and will be delivered to you when you’re consistently on the same vibration as your dream.
Key #3 Practice feeling and living on the same vibration as your dream
and then practice some more. In fact practice it all the time.
The more intense your feelings, the quicker the manifestation.
If you want to succeed, practice and practice some more, doing the things you need to do become successful and unstoppable.
I have developed a tool to help you create and maintain a high vibration for 30 days, which is long enough to stabilize a new thought pattern in your subconscious mind. In 30 days you can begin to see changes happening in your life.
I love to hear from you, so please leave your comments. You’ll then enter my Comment Competition and could win a free copy of my book
This and That: A Tea and Biscuit Philosophy on Life and the Law of Attraction.
February’s competition was won by Christine V. Florida.
March’s competition was won by Carol H in Hitchin. Herts.
Perhaps you’ll win the April competition.