Self Doubt Limiting Your Life? – 4 Tips to Self Confidence

Is your life plagued by self doubt? Would you like to overcome your doubts and replace them with confidence?
Over the years I’ve often thought about what makes the difference between achieving success and not reaching your goals and I’ve come to the conclusion that the dividing line is self belief. Those that succeed believe in themselves succeed and those who are riddled with self doubt – don’t!
It really is as simple as that.
(Perhaps this will explain why the Law of Attraction is not delivering your dream!).
Overcoming self doubt
Although it’s quick and easy to write or say, overcoming self doubt and changing the beliefs you have about yourself is one of the most difficult things to do.
How do I know this? Because I have trod the path for many decades as my bottom line is uncertainty and self doubt! I learn from trial and error and I stopped doing what didn’t work.
And now, here I am, confident and knowing that I can achieve!
So how do you go about overcoming your self doubt?
Slowly and surely
From experience, I’ve learned the only way to make lasting change is slowly and surely!
You begin to change your thoughts about yourself slowly and gently and to help get you started, I’ve made have a short list of the things that worked for me.
1. Visualise
Indelibly stamp in your mind the picture of you succeeding. Visualise the end result. So, when you imagine, think and feel, make sure you conjure up really intense feelings. Remember a picture says a thousand words. It’s difficult to hold thoughts and feelings if you’re looking at a still snapshot, so make your visualisation into a movie – and colour and music. Make it as powerful as you can.
Hold this picture continuously. Never let the idea of failure creep into your mind.
Always picture success.
Raise your positive voice.
2. Positive Thoughts Cancels Negative
When negative thoughts come to you mind, raise your own positive voice louder that the negative one so that the positive ‘cancels’ out the negative.
Your problems show you the way: they show you what you truly believe about the situation.

3. Stop Building Obstacles
Don’t let self-doubt build obstacles and problems in your mind. When problems present themselves (as they always will) welcome them, because they are showing you your next step. Fears and stumbling blocks are showing you the belief that is holding you where you are. To get where you want to be, you have to look into the fears and problems because they hold the light for the next part of your journey.
Consistency is the key.
4. Repeat positive affirmations about yourself, at least 10 times a day.
No one can be You as well and effective as YOU can be. In fact only you can be you. You express your special qualities in a way that only you can do. You have special gifts and talents that are unique to you and you came to earth to share these gifts with the world.
These seems like fine words and you’re probably thinking “Yeh. Yeh! What a lot of rubbish!” But it really is so.
Here are a few affirmations so you can get started straight way.
I am totally confident in every situation.
I easily achieve all my goals and dreams.
I feel happy and at peace with myself.
And my favourite…
I AM competent and confident and easily achieve all my goals.
But my very favourite, is to take the Bach Flower Remedy for lacking self confidence Larch, and the remedy does a lot of the work for you!
And Now – Over to You!
As always, I love to hear from you, so please leave your comments – and you can enter my Comment Competition for May and win a copy of my book.
Jennie Billings won a copy of my book This and That. A tea and biscuit philosophy on life and the law of attraction.
Jennie said… “its lovely and keeps the joy going! I am really enjoying it. Many thanks indeed for awarding it to me”. Jennie.