The Power Of Letting Go

The energy of spring is with us. The bright faces of daffodils are everywhere. Some trees are in flower and some will daffodillssoon be bursting with new, soft pale green leaves.  There are signs of renewed energy everywhere!

This is the signal for us to spring clean and start throwing away the unused and unwanted from last year to make room for the new that we’ve created for this coming year.

Are you doing that?

Or are you one of those people whose cupboards are bursting at the seams, drawers overflowing and yet still don’t throw anything away?  Letting go is such a powerful release of energy that makes you feel so good.

So, what’s holding you back?

Holding_you_backYou know you create your own reality.  You know that your thoughts are important, but I also sincerely hope youHolding_you_back also know that your beliefs and emotions are creating your life.

The anger, pain and hurt you feel about particular circumstances is tying you to the past.

You may want someone to tell you that they’re sorry they’ve hurt you, but I suspect by now, you’ve realised that it isn’t going to happen.

So you’re left with two choices – do you want to stay where you are, tied to past hurts, waiting for someone to acknowledge they’ve hurt you – or would you like to find happiness in life?
There’s really not much choice is there?Release_the_past

You can only move on when you release the past.
You can only release the past by loving it.

That really seems like a tall order, doesn’t it!

Constant Reaffirming

Every time you have a bad memory that makes you feel upset, angry or sorry for yourself, you’re reaffirming a negative picture of yourself.  You’re seeing yourself as a victim.
You created that situation in the first place (even though you didn’t know you were doing it, so don’t add guilt to the emotions that are tying you to the past) so you are the only one who can change your life.

Letting go…

Holding onto your hurts is robbing you of your future.  You have to heal your hurts before you can let them go.   It’s the only way you can move on.

And there are two ways you can let go of your hurts.  To do that you can ….

Apply logic and talk you way out of it, so that you’re constantly feeling better all the time.   I’ve attached Abraham-Hicks Emotional Scale to help you.  Decide where you are on the Scale and then start to think thoughts, generate feelings from the rung above you, and so you can climb up the Scale, feeling happier and happier as you get higher and higher up the scale.   wild-rose-lifted

Bach Flower Remedies
Or you can use the Bach Flower Remedies.

I’ve used the Bach Flower Remedies to heal my feelings
(and change my beliefs) for over 35 years. 

I believe that the easiest and most simple way of releasing the anger and pain of your past is to take the appropriate Bach Flower Remedy, and let it do the work of healing, releasing and raising your vibrations for you.

Incredibly powerful energy

You’ve got an incredible amount of powerful energy tied to the past hurts.  Healing and releasing your hurts releases that power.  You can harness that power and use it – You can make your own decisions where you want to go and how you want to live.

You can be the master of your own ship.

Learning about the Bach Flower Remedies is, in my opinion, one of the best way of navigating the storms of life and keeping your vibrations high – and the Law of Attraction responds.

As always, I love to hear from you, so please leave your comments.

I’d like to remind you that I’m running a Comment Competition each month.  The comment that generates the mostThis and That interest will receive a free gift of my book This and That – a Tea-and Biscuit philosophy on life and the Law of Attraction.

February’s Competition was won by Christine, in Florida.  She was so excited and thrilled about winning.  It is still winging its way to her in the States.

So join in the fun and leave your comments.  I look forward to hearing from you.  Perhaps you might win March’s competition?



Here is an abridged version of Abraham-Hick’s Emotional Scale to help you talk your way up the emotions.




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Rose Todd
