Law of Attraction. What to do when the going gets tough.

By now you know how the law of attraction works.  You know about dreaming your dream; about have a really clear vision and always keeping your eye on the future.  All that is well and good – but what happens when the going gets tough and you seem to walking through mud: and although you’ve been doing all you should have been doing, not only isn’t there the slightest hint of your dream showing up, but life seems to be getting worse! 

And here I’m telling you that this law of attraction stuff really works – so what’s going on?

When the going gets tough

What you’re doing works. It really does.
But when the going gets tough you need to use a different set of rules.
“Well!” I hear you say!  “Now you tell me”!
You’re just beginning to get the hang of watching your thoughts etc and now I tell you there’s 2 sets of rules!

So – what are the ‘rules’ and how do you know when to use which set?

Good questions. It’s a lot easier than you think and the answer lies in how you feel.  Your emotions are you guide.  How you feel is everything!


The key to knowing which set of rules to use lies in your feelings.
Your Emotions create your life.  Emotions are the language of your soul (your soul talks to you through your emotions – the good ones that is) and your emotions are the ‘indicator’.

Your feelings indicate how well you’re doing on your journey to where you want to go.

You know how it works.  You dream your dream, visualise, say your affirmations and write in your journal (What? You’re not using a Journal?   Oh goodness me!  You’re not using one of the most powerful tools of creation!! More about this next week.) 

So, if you’re feeling really good; you’re happy and feeling confident – and just generally you’re great and life is good, then carry on doing what you’ve been doing.

But your emotions ebb and flow. I don’t know about you, but I can go up and down like a yo-yo in a split second.  So if you don’t like how you feel, you wont like what’s manifesting in your life. (Is it any wonder I work with the Bach Flower Remedies as well?)

When you’re feeling happy and confident – use Rule #1.
When you fearful, in doubt or other negative feelings – use Rule #2.

 When you’re feeling good, you’re expanding your mind, your dreams, your visualisations – then do all the things you know to do – they work; they really do!   (I’m sure you’ve got that covered (expect perhaps for Journalling)?

But when you hit a tough patch, as you will, you need a different set of rules to get you out of the mire.  You’re disappointed and discouraged and probably lost any confidence you had in the Law of Attraction and yourself.

As  your thoughts are now pretty grim and your emotions heavy – and you can’t seem to shake them off – now is the time to ‘contract’ your mind.

Now you switch to a really simple and ‘general’ set of affirmations, saying things similar to …

“All is well.   I don’t have to think about this right now.
There’s plenty of time for me to figure it out.
Everything’s working out for me.  It always does.
I can do it.  I know I can do it.
All really is well.  Everything is working out for me – it always does”.

So, in the moment of Now – you bring your thoughts ‘closer to you’ as it were, you’re beginning to say things that move you out of fear and anxiety into, for the want of a better phrase, still water.

You’ll find that these few simple and general statements will break the pattern of all the negative chatter that’s galloping through you mind.  And they’ll help you feel better.

As you begin ‘talking to yourself’ you’ll begin to feel a lot better – and then you go back to Set of Rules #1.

You change how you’re working with your mind depending on how you feel – because, although thoughts are important – the law of attraction is always responding to your emotions.

Over to you. 

If you’ve been struggling to break through an invisible barrier that seems to holding you part from your dream, please tell me about it in the comments.

 Comment Competition.    

I’m running a comment competition. Each month someone will win a free copy of my book: This and That – a Tea and Biscuit philosophy on Life and the Law of attraction.  Leaving your comments will automatically enter you into the competition.

Click here for more help and guidance and to find out more about the Law of Attraction and how to work within the realms of this extremely powerful law of the universe.

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Rose Todd

  • Nelly Medina says:

    Hi Rose, reading your blog I felt like you were talking directly to me, I have months doing morning meditation and visualizations and affirmations (but not journalling though…. ), and then during the day I repeat my affirmations and I am working on positive thinkings but some days my emotions change from being so excited and happy to be discouraged, so its exactly how you pictured it. I will start with Rule#2 and will let you know how it goes. Thank you, Nelly

    • Rose Todd says:

      Hello Nelly. Thank you for writing. I’m pleased that the blog ‘hit the spot’ for you.
      Its disheartening when you’re doing everything you know to do – and still nothing seems to be happening.

      I wonder if you realise that all the tools, the tips and the strategies everyone gives are all about changing our beliefs about who we are – and therefore, what we can do. Every tool and strategies is for one reason only, so you come to believe in yourself.

      So if something is not coming to you – have a look at your beliefs around your goals.
      Thank you once again for writing. Good comment. Much appreciated.
      Take care.

  • Lucienne says:

    Hello Rose

    Did you expect to have a 51 year old fan in Holland?
    I recently found your website after i saw you in you tube speaking about the Bach remedy,s .
    I use them as well while struggeling a with an anxiety and depressionproblem.
    We have a lot of flowerremedy- coaches here but you are my favorite.
    Your way of writing, i can really feel your honesty and that you really care!
    I listen to Abraham/ Esther Hicks evey day and i learn a lot of them so i,m also very into the law of attraction.
    Well thank you for your articles and many greetings from The Netherlands.

    • Rose Todd says:

      Hello Lucienne
      I’m delighted to meet you! I’m Rose – a 71 year old from England!
      Thank you for your very kind words, I do appreciate them.
      It’s wonderful when someone writes and lets me know they enjoy my writing and use the Bach Remedies. They have ‘saved my life’ (emotionally) more times than I care to remember. It’s good that there are a lot of Bach practitioners in the Netherlands – and other countries too. The more who use the remedies, the greater healing comes to those taking the remedies and our world.
      I too listen to Abraham-Hicks (amazing aren’t they). I saw them when they were in London a couple of years ago. There’s a blog about the Abraham-Hicks afternoon in London on my website.
      If you’d like to have a read – here is the link.

      Thank you for taking the time to write – it’s a pleasure to share my articles with you.
      Warm wishes

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