A Geniune Letter of Gratitude and Great News

(This is a genuine email from Emily – as you’ll see)

Dear Rose,

I hope 2018 is treating you well thus far.  It has been a long while since we last spoke. This email is going to be a different one Rose, instead of me coming to you from a place of lack and longing for a better future, it’s actually an email about gratitude and great news. I know this is a long email but I think its one you’ll like!

Deep Despression

As you know for 2 years I suffered from deep depression and I lost all faith and hope in God and the universe. However, that’s my past; I don’t plan to add any more energy to that part of my life. But in the last 4 months my life has changed drastically and I’m so happy!

This and That

In the past 4 months I have had to retrain my mind into new ways of thinking and I really dug deep. I didn’t change things to positives, I literally faced the limiting beliefs or ‘mistakes’ of the past and came to peace with them. I chucked out my books dealing with anxiety and picked up your This and That book again. I am attending MIND (a Mental Health Organisation) and they are really helping me with self-esteem and social skills again. It’s working. I have come to peace with my culture and my families beliefs.  I no longer long for their approval and validation.

Intention and plans

I have made it my intention to not waste this year and say just say YES to things, as long as they harm no one.

One early morning, at 3am, I couldn’t sleep and all of sudden my desire to get back into Make-Up had come back. (Emily had trained as a Make-Up Artist but had moved away from this work).

I wanted to do some photoshoots. So I had this nudge (which I believe was God) to email a particular photographer to collaborate. I only wanted to do this shoot to update my portfolio and really just for the joy of it. I am out of work currently (I know this is changing.) She emailed me back, she loved my work and she said that she is doing a shoot for a fashion and beauty magazine in a few weeks time, and wondered if I wanted to be the makeup artist! I am taking it, for the first time I have no fear.  My work is going to be published! And all I wanted was to do this for fun!


I really must thank you because you have inspired me for years and I know that sometimes it takes a while to manifest things and get the hang of it but I’ve never given up and I never plan to. I know I am supposed to do something special with my life and I am no longer going to linger in mediocrity just because those around me have that thinking.

I am changing my script!

Thank you for sticking by me all these years, I know that you tried to help me last year but when you’re in depression only you can get yourself out of it and it takes time. It may have taken me two years but I believe that it was God’s way of telling me that I needed to face my limiting beliefs so that I can blossom into the woman I hoped I would be. Really, it’s the best thing that’s happened to me.

I’ll keep you posted on when I am holding my next manifestation in my hand. I think I am going to apply it towards love. I want close and fun friends and a special relationship.  I deserve to love and be in love!

I know that you do events and if I am around or able to get to one, I would love to attend. Let me know when and I’ll be there.


With much gratitude

If you haven’t yet got a copy of This and That – A Tea and Biscuit Philosophy on Life and the Law of Attraction Click here – it could help you as it helped Emily.

Over to you

As always I love to hear from you.  I was delighted to recieve this wonderful email from Emily.  And I’d love to know your thoughts and comments about Emily’s determination and success on coming through the darkness of depression and into the light.   (Please leave your comments on the blog – I’d love to know what you think about this blog!).



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Rose Todd

  • Krishna says:

    Super blog Rose

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