Law of Attraction: Focus or Happiness.

I’m not here – I’ve gone walk-about!

As you read this, I’m sitting on an aeroplane, winging my way to Los Angeles, to attend a spiritual seminar over the Halloween weekend.

I’ve not been to LA at Halloween before and I’m looking forward to seeing all their amazing decorations.

This morning I decided to think about Happiness. I’m delighted and excited about going to the Lazaris seminar. (For those of you who don’t know, this is channelled, spiritual material that I’ve been working with for over 30 years).

I’m really happy about going to LA. I also thought of a few other things that make me happy: sunsets and sunrises: autumn colours; watching the river hurry under the bridge – and I absent mindedly, switched on the radio – and there was Pharrell Williams singing “Happiness”. What a co-incidence! But you and I both know there is no such thing as co-incidence!

So the question now is: is this blog about Focus or about Happiness?

Rose-Todd-Red-CarPerhaps this story of the red cars will help you decide.

I look after my niece’s seven year old son one afternoon a week. We play several games while we’re in the car, one of which is Rainbow Cars. We look for cars that are rainbow colours – in the right order – of course. And we always start with red.

Almost immediately, we saw a red car.

Now, finding an orange car can be a long and a tricky business, and my seven year old soon lost interest. But there was another red car and another and then another. I was on a roll. It seemed as if there were red cars everywhere. So I started to count. 42 red cars in about two miles!

Did my focus put the red cars on the road?

No – they were all there anyway – but as I was focusing on red cars, that’s what I saw. I don’t think I would have noticed an orange car if there had been one!

I’m not sure that we realise the incredible power of our minds.

Our mind is our own personal Google!

Type in Depression – and Google proudly tells you that it found 43,000,000 results for depression within 2.43 seconds!

Focus on red cars and see 42 in two miles.

Focus on happiness and up comes a happiness song on the radio!

We always get more of what we’re focusing on. Wouldn’t you rather focus on where you’re going, rather than getting all wound up about where you are and what you haven’t got?

Happy red cars do it every time for me.


Oh  – Remember to book up for my workshop in Hertfordshire  in November Law of Attraction 4 steps to a Happy Lifedetails here!


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Rose Todd
