Law of Attraction. Use The Power Of The Equinox to …

Although I’m fascinated by astrology and I read my daily forecast – always positive, of course – I know very little about it. (Perhaps I should buy a book?)
This year the autumn Equinox falls on Friday 23rd September. The time between the full moon eclipse on the 16th September and the equinox is a perfect time to make a new start. You might have noticed you’ve already begun dreaming of new projects. However, A friend once said to me “before you start something new, you have to decide what to give up”.
So now is a good time to regain your balance and to straighten out whatever in your life is out of line.
You know about being in ‘alignment’ – that’s about getting our vibrations ‘to be a match for what we want’. So I think that sitting down with a cup of tea and seeing what’s awry in your life is a good place to start.
While you’re sitting with your tea, here’s something to consider…
You can’t get where you want to be while you continue to blame where you’ve been.
Your past brought you to this place now and you have to make peace with it so you can move closer to your goal. And de-cluttering and clearing-up unfinished business is a really good place to start. And this week, as we’re receiving additional energy from the cosmos, is a good time to do it.
There is something very satisfying about finishing something. Finishing a project or even just finishing a bottle of shampoo is very satisfying. We love to ‘complete’ things – in fact we’re hard-wired to do so. Our mind always seeks a solution to bring about completion.
Hopefully, you’ve made your commitment to yourself and your future (you have done this, haven’t you?!!) and your attention is now on your main goal. So having un-finished projects or business hanging around splits your focus.
Lack of completion splits our energy and focus. Again, you know that the Law of attraction delivers what you focus on – so you don’t need split energy when you are being single-minded about where you want to go.
So, get your accounts done! Tidy that cupboard you’ve been promising to do for years!
Clear out the garage. Yes, it’s going to take time and effort, but it oh so worth it!
Why is it worth it? Why should you do it?
Well apart from loving completion, clearing up your mess and finishing what is incomplete makes space for something new.
Now you’re in a wonderful, uncluttered mind-space to start creating something new in time for Christmas! And I have just the tool to help you do that!