I’ve Written A Book…
I’ve written a book *
Have I mentioned it before?
It’s such an achievement
I’m excited to my core!
“What’s it about?”
I hear you say
“About This and That:
Stories of every day”.
They’re tales of life:
My thoughts light and deep
To read on waking
Or before you sleep
Its philosophical fun
To make you smile
While you drink your tea
Or dream awhile
I’ve written a book
It’s a dream come true
It’s a part of my Soul
Which I offer to you.
(* Just in case you’re wondering you can find out about my book here )
Hi Rose I do have this book on my ole computer back in France
how would I get a copy for me here in Portugal
thank you
Hi Krishna.
I wrote This and That about 12 years ago. I know there is no e-book avabilable. I’m not sure if there is a pdf of it or not. If there is a pdf. its on my old computer. I’ll check it tomorrow.
Take care. Rose