Abraham-Hicks. So what is new these days?
The stage was set! The room was ready. I’d been planning this night for months and over the last month had put in some serious study and planning to make sure I could give you the very best.
That evening I was talking about the new information from Abraham-Hicks. When I decided to share new ideas and suggestions from Abraham, I began listening to their downloads with a ‘different’ ear, if you see what I mean. Session after session, I listened for the new trends and worked on how I could present them to you in a ‘pattern’. I like things in patterns and lists, it makes it so much easier to understand and follow.
The room was ready and people were beginning to arrive. After choosing a seat, most headed to the tea table for a drink and to chat to the others. And then we were ready to begin.
I like to stand on a solid foundation: I like things to make sense, then I can add and expand them – everything always needs to make sense. So I started the evening by going over the core of Abraham’s message.
The core message is that we are first and foremost spiritual beings and we live in a spiritual world. We are extensions of Source Energy that has manifested. Our physical world is also an extension of Source Energy and that the non-physical part of who we are co-exists with the physical part of us all the time.
Our world is made up of energy that moves and vibrates. Different energies vibrate at different frequencies. The now famous Law of attraction, that works on the principle of like attracts like, manages these vibrations, collecting similar vibrations together in a clump (that’s a nice scientific word for you)! This clump of energy then manifests. We contribute to the flow of conscious energy with our thoughts and feelings – and this is how our thoughts become things.
I’d chosen several new topics that Abraham had introduced over the last months and I found how they worked with Abraham’s 3 Steps of Creation. Step 1 – we ask. We spontaneous ask for our desire with vibrations before we notice the thoughts and feelings. Step 2 – is the Law of attraction’s job, collecting similar vibrations together. Step 3 is Allowing – we have to allow ourselves to receive. And this is the tricky part for us all!
I shared several of Abraham’s suggestions about how to ‘allow’ the manifestations to come to us and how to put ourselves into a receptive mode so that the Universe can deliver what we want.
We discussed what it means to ‘take the path of least resistance’ and how we can use this to stop ourselves being sucked into the negativity of others. We talked about living unconditionally. Even though this is hard-wired within us, due to our beliefs about ourselves and life, it is no easy thing to do. And we talked of walking ‘our true path’ in life.
Time passed too quickly and the evening was soon over – we had a lovely time. To quote Tiffany “Fabulous talk tonight, Rose, thank you. I look forward to the next one.”
I know that you some of you wanted to come and couldn’t as you had other commitments. And geography plays a big part in attending a live event too. I didn’t want any of you to miss out on the opportunity to expand your understanding about creation and manifestation so I made a recording.
The mp3 recording is now ready for download, together with a full version of the “Abraham Hicks Flow Chart” to give you a strong foundation and to guide you though the talk.
Have a look. I know you’ll love it.
Click here to find out how to get instant access to the Audio Reply from the talk