Caring For The Aging

Bach Flowers can help you caring for the aging
(Part 1.  Part 2 next week)

Caring for the aging is a difficulty job.  However, can I tell you, from experience, getting old is not for sissies!  It takes a lot of courage to keep going when your body and your mind don’t respond as you would like!  Life becomes difficult for both the Carer and those who are aging.

If you find yourself caring for your aging parents or family, then these successions will help you.
Next week, Part 2 is about Caring for the Carers.

Caring for the aging

Irritable and intolerant
Tom was 78 and was hard of hearing.  He wouldn’t wear his hearing-aid because it magnified all the background noise.  When he couldn’t hear what was being said, he became very irritable and intolerant.  He was very grumpy, and he scolded everyone because they didn’t do everything ‘his way’.

A mix of Bach Flower Remedies Impatiens and Beech worked wonders to help Tom.  It didn’t help his hearing, but it helped his attitude and temper – and that made life a lot easier for himself and his family too.


Betty had arthritis.  Her fingers were bent and gnarled.  Betty was a ‘knitter’ and now she struggled to knit. She would get so cross with herself: calling herself stupid as her poor fingers wouldn’t work as they used to.
Pine, Larch and Impatiens helped Betty to stop criticising herself and gave her confidence and patience to try knitting simple things.

Click here to find out the most effective way of taking the remedies.

Depression and anxiety

Depression is more prevalent now than every before.  It causes great suffering and saps our enthusiasm and interest for daily life.  Depression is often overlooked in the elderly, perhaps because the focus is usually on their physical conditions.

Jack was 75 and his depression seemed to arrive out of nowhere.  He was fine one day, and the next day it was almost as if a black cloud was hanging over him.  When he had “a visit from the black dog” (as he called it) – he became gloomy and he felt cut off from life.   The depression affected Jack so badly that he couldn’t hide it from his family.

This cloud of depression lifted as quickly as it had descended.  Jack started to dread the attacks because he couldn’t do anything about them.  That is, until he took the appropriate Bach Flower Remedie.

Mustard is the remedy to help with the depression that suddenly arrives and suddenly lifts.  It’s for those who feel they’re living in a fog.

Preparing for death

We very rarely talk about dying or death and yet it we all have to contend with our parents, family and friends dying at some time.

Can the Bach Flower Remedies help someone who is becoming frail and whose life is gently ebbing away?
Yes, they can.

I’d like to tell you about a friend of mine Dorothy.
Dorothy had bowel cancer and she was beginning to slip away and so she was moved into a hospice.

I had seen her about six months earlier and given her a bottle of Rescue Remedy to help her with her feelings of panic. Dorothy couldn’t cope with the unknown and she was terrified of dying.     

Her husband sat by her all day every day.  Dorothy went in and out of deep sleep. And every time she became conscious, the only thing she asked for was Rescue Remedy.

Rescue Remedy calmed her feelings of fear and panic and enabled her, one night, to slip quietly away while she slept.

A lot of people are filled with regrets in their last weeks of life: regrets of what they did do but mostly regrets that they didn’t say “I love you” often enough.

If you’re facing this situation, I’d like to suggest the addition of Pine for regret and self-blame. And add Walnut too.  Walnut is the link breaker and will help to make the passing easier.

Using the Bach Flower Remedies makes caring for the aging much easier.  There’s a remedy that covers every feeling we have.
Click here if you’d like to know how to take the remedies effectively.


There are 38 remedies to chose from.  I’ve given you brief examples of just a few.    

Click here if you’d like to receive 2 FREE Bach Flower Guides.

Over to you.  I love to hear from you, so please leave your comments on the Comment box below.  Thank you.


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Bach Flower Remedy Guides

Rose Todd

  • Yvonne says:

    Love Bach Flower remedies and thank you for your posts. Do you have any suggestions for early dementia and the frustration of not being able to remember words etc? x

    • Rose Todd says:

      Hello Yvonne. Thank you for leaving a comment. Its a good question.
      Edward Bach said, give remedies for the person and not the condition. So the simple answer to your question is No, there are no Bach Remedies to help you deal with the loss of words…
      But there are remedies to help you deal with the frustration that causes.
      How does this frustation show up? Is it irritability because they are too slow? In which case they need Impatiens? Or are the critical of themselves? They need Pine.
      Or you could try both and see how they get on.
      I hope this helps. Rose.

      • Yvonne says:

        That’s perfect Rose.. thank you! x

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