A few ideas to help you through uncertain times.
Gorse was in full bloom. You couldn’t miss it.
Last week, I ‘played truant’ from the office and went to visit some friends. Driving across the moors of the New Forest, Gorse was everywhere.
And I thought … 'The universe is so good to give us so much hope”.
There are two difficulties in using the Bach Flowers Remedies and the first one is, actually identifying how you feel (that’s not as easy as you think). And the second is then to choose the best remedy for you.
I have two FREE Bach Flower Guides that will help you. Have a look now.
I’m quite sure you now feel the same as a lot of the country. Fed up! Is there any Hope of us ever coming out of this COVID situation?
Restrictions were lifted for a while, and now they’re back in force again!
How are you coping with that? When all the new restrictions can out, I know I was disappointed and discouraged. We seem to take 1 small step forward and then 2 bigger steps back.
So here are three Bach Flower Remedies to give you hope, faith and courage during these uncertain times.
Gorse for hopelessness and despair.
Gentian is the remedy for when we suffer a set-back. And oh, my goodness we are suffering a huge set-back that started in March. We were just beginning to recover and here we are again – in the second setback.
The main feelings of Gentian are disappointment and being discouraged.
Maybe, for whatever reason, this second set of restrictions has pushed you into desperation or despair and you feel as if you’re at the end of your tether and unable to cope with anymore. Sweet Chestnut is the remedy to help you with these feelings.
So here is a simple mix for you that can help you now and over the next weeks and months….
Gorse for hopelessness. But they can be persuaded to try something new!
Gentian is for when you’re suffering a set-back and being completely discouraged
Sweet Chestnut is for when you’re in deep despair, It's known as the remedy for the dark night of the soul. (How I wish I knew about Bach Flowers when I went through my dark night of the soul!)
These are three remedies that can help you through these uncertain times. You can mix up to 6 remedies together, so here are a few more ideas, in case you need these too.
Red Chestnut for anxiety about your family.
Star of Bethlehem (or Rescue Remedy) if you’re suffering from grief.
Larch if you feel you don’t have the confidence to get up and face these new restrictions.
If you're not sure how to take the remedies. here's a link that tells you the msot effective way to take the remedies.
Over to you
As always, I love to hear from you, so if you have any commengts or questions, please leave a message in the Comment box below and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
Thank you for joining me today. I'm glad you dropped by.
Thankyou Rose it came at the right time.
Hello Vimla. Thank you for getting in touch. I’m glad the blog and Gorse came just at the right time. Hang in there. Love Rose.
Hi Rose, I asked for the flower guides and ordered by paypal (postage). I haven’t had an email confirming this, or anything from PayPal. Just checking that it went through please.
Hello Karen. Thank you for your message. Yes, I’ve received your order, and I’ll get the Guides in the post this morning. As I know I’d be in a hurry to receive them, I’ll send them first class. So hopefully you’ll receive them tomorrow or Friday. I know you’ll enjoy them. Rose
Thanks.. I think I might be ready for the diploma class?? Note: the despair is a lot about our election.. The ugliness and hatred in America is so shocking to so many of us.. We need all of the hope we can get.. thanks..
Hello Thersa. Thank you for leaving your comment. And good news, if you feel you’re ready to start the Dlploma course. It’s here when you’re ready.
I understand what you say about the election – and indeed for the health situation world wide. Hope does seem to be scarce at the moment. But Hope is always there – it often ‘sneeks’ in through the crackes and the creves of dispair and disappointment. As a little aside – hold the vision of a Happy America, All positive thought is extremely powerful. warm wishes Rose