Happy New Year 2013

And the cycle of life keeps turning.

We’ve managed to survive one of the longest cycles in our world’s evolution, that of the end of the Mayan Calendar – and really we didn’t have to do anything at all to survive it: no preparations were necessary. It came and went naturally, like any other day.

However there are cycles of life and cycles within cycles that we live daily and we are nearly at the end of the cycle of this year, 2012 and just about to start on the next new cycle – 2013. And tomorrow we’ll be standing at the beginning of what I consider to be one of the most important years in a very long time.

I’d like to tell you about another cycle. The expansion of life goes in 12 year cycles.

The first one that I was aware of was in 1994. 1994 + 12 takes us to 2006. One thing that happened during 2006 was the publication of a book called The Secret. This had a powerful effect on many people. It brought awareness to thousands of people that they do create their own world. Was this a co-incidence do you think – or does everything always in the right place at the right time?

2012 is mid-cycle. I see it as the dip between 2006 and 2018. I see that 2013 is the beginning of us rising out of the dip and moving towards the entirely new world of 2018. 2018 will hold the essence of the dreams and visions laid down by thousands upon thousands of ‘Map-Makers’ over the last decades.

And now it’s time for you to make your New Year’s resolution. Your resolution can be something so simple as to consciously contribute to our world becoming new, visualising the way you’d like it to be.

Here’s a suggestion for a New Year’s resolution. When life doesn’t turn out as you’d hoped, ask yourself “What now? What can I create now that is better than this?” Make a resolution that in every situation you’ll ask yourself “what would Love do now” and then do it.

This is such an important year; the foundation has been laid – now we are starting to build the structure. Make a resolution to begin with Love and end with Love – and Love will naturally fill the bit in the middle.

Be daring. Dream big- dream bold for 2013 and enjoy the wonder of this bountiful New Year.

Happy New Year everyone.


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Rose Todd
