Not Sleeping Well

“I’m not sleeping well” came a voice from the back of the room. I was hosting a Bach Flower Workshop at a big health event in a nearby local town and I’d asked the audience what was troubling them. From the nods and the agreement from others in the audience it appeared that insomnia is a problem faced by a lot of people.
This blog is a result of the workshop…
“I’m not sleeping well”
If you’ve been reading my blogs for a while, you’ll know that although Bach Flower Remedies heal negative emotions, behind every feeling there’s a thought. Thoughts and feelings go together – you can’t have one without the other.
So my next question to the woman at the back was “Why aren’t sleeping? What’s your mind doing that it’s keeping you awake”? She wasn’t too sure, so after a few more careful questions I suggested she needs White Chestnut.
Our minds are programmed to find solutions. Our minds will go looking for solutions to our problems,and often there really isn’t a definable solution. But still the mind searches – around and around it goes, like a merry-go-round. Particularly when we’ve put the thoughts of the day are put aside as we sleep.
This is the indication for White Chestnut.
I suggested that she add White Chestnut with Rescue Remedy.
Click the image below if you’d like a quick and easy reference guide to all 38 Bach Flower Remedies.
Busy mind
Then others said they’re not sleeping because they had a busy mind: so much to do in so little time, and a good night’s sleep was imperative.
Vervain is the remedy you need for an overactive mind, where you mind is going over and over all that needs to be done. Vervain is the remedy for when you’re ‘overstretched’.
Fears. Doubt. Anxiety
Fears, doubt and the ‘dreaded anxiety’ seems to rear their head either as soon as your head hits the pillow or at 3 am! It seems as if this is the time, when all the anxieties we’ve carefully pushed into our subconscious mind all day (so they don’t bother us) now ooze out, at full volume, demanding to be heard.
Agrimony is the remedy to help with this. Those in need of Agrimony don’t acknowledge their cares and worries. They’re always positive with a quick smile for everyone and they keep themselves busy, so they don’t have to think about the pain they see in the world. They like to party, to shop, to meet friends for coffee, watch junk on the TV. They’ve got to keep busy, otherwise all their worries upset them. But those worries come out at night and keep them awake.
Remedies and Dosage
Into a small glass of water put 4 drops of Rescue Remedy and 2 drops of each of the remedies that seem to suit you. (You can mix up to 6 remedies together). Sip about 3 or 4 times during the day, and then more frequently for a couple of hours before you go to bed. (Don’t drink it 30 minutes before bed otherwise your bladder will wake you!)
Over to you.
I hope you enjoy the blogs and find them helpful. I love to hear from you, so please leave your thoughts, comments and questions in the Comment box below the blog.
And if this amzingly powerful healing system calls to you, Click here to find out how you can study them. It was the best thing I ever did!
Just have a question. Rescue remedy is a combination of 6 Bach flowers. So is it ok to add one more remedy as I thought that the maximum remedies that one could take was 6.
Hello Vidya.
Thank you for your comment.
Rescue Remedy is made up of 5 Remedies
Star of Bethlehem, Rock Rose, Clematis, Impatiens and Cherry Plum.
When you make up your own combination remedy, Bach suggests you mix no more than 6.
If you wanted to use it, Rescue would count as 1 remedy, so you could add an additional 5 remedies to your mix. I hope that helps you.
This is a blog about Resuce Remedy. You may be interested to read it.
Thank you for writing Vidya.
Warm wishes Rose
Thanks so much for the explanation… I never used to take any remedy along with rescue as it already had 5.. so now since you’ve clarified, i will treat a single remedy. Thanks so much
Hi Vidya. It’s a pleasure.
And if you don’t know about using Rescue as 1 remedy, you wouldn’t think to do it.
Glad to have helped.
Thank you Very much for your Blog. For the first level of knowledge cum remedial help, it is extremely helpful. THANK YOU VERY MUCH for sharing your resourcefulness.
Hello Ambrose. Thank you for leaving a message on my blog. I use my blogs to introduce people to Bach Flowers (as well as helping those that know about the Remedies). I have courses that go deeper into the remedies for those who would like to go deeping into these amazing remedies.
Take care. Rose